User focused web design and app design for Solar Backpack.
The WanderSol Pack is a rugged, futuristic, and eco-friendly backpack that harnesses the power of the sun. The mission of the brand is for each backpack sold, the company will give a backpack to a local organization that helps people experiencing homelessness.
Group Project
This project was accomplished with a group of three wonderful members from different disciplines.
User Research
Branding and Positioning
User Interface Design
Wire framing
High Resolution Mockups
Customer Analysis
User Interface Design
Wire frames
High Resolution Mockups
A deep understanding of the problem was the first step.
The Challenge
The challenge with the Wandersol pack was minimizing the learning curve.
Learning Curve
To minimize the learning curve we focused on education when creating our application and website.
Research & Testing
Conflict Resolution
Working within a team of different disciplines it became clear that my role as an advocate for users was more important than ever. To solve this I provided my team members with a WHY that was supported by user research.
Research Questions
We conducted a series of interviews to obtain a general understanding of features that people expected in a backpack and companies that sold backpacks.
Some of the questions we asked include:
How important is it to you to purchase from a socially minded company that will give back or donate?
What features are important to you when using a backpack?
What do you expect from a website selling backpacks?
What would prevent you from using a solar powered backpack?
If you purchased a solar powered backpack would you utilize an application that will tell you the best locations and times to charge the solar panel?
Affinity Diagram
Persona & Customer Journey Maps
With the information we gathered during the interview process we developed the following personas; Melanie and Jeremy to guide us in our decision making for creating our website and application.
A client focused design approach.
Through our research and testing we gained a greater understanding of what our users expectations were when they come to Wandersol’s website and application.
Education was the problem we solved the next step was engaging our website users and inspiring them to purchase our product and use our application.
Style Guide
High Resolution Mockups
Utilizing the location feature.
The Wandersol App tracking allows users to utilize the location feature that will guide them to the best locations to charge their devices.
Onboarding our users.
Our onboarding screens guide users through the location feature. Clicking the direction will show you if that direction will provide the best source of sunlight to charge your device.
Harnessing the power of the sun.
The slide scale will tell you how much sun power you will get on a scale from one to five. Five is the direction that will give you the best source of light.
Frequently asked questions.
To help alleviate the steep learning curve when buying a new device like a solar powered backpack we included a section of frequently asked questions on our application.
Take the guessing work out of product care.
In continuation of our goal to take the guessing work out of owning a solar powered backpack, your profile holds product care information such as the solar batteries current condition and lifespan.
Our social media strategy.
Wandersol’s social media strategy is guided by two content pillars. Utility and inspiration.
Promoting our application.
Our application promotion will be given through our social media as well as a QR code on our backpack tags that will link users to our application.
Valerie Navidad
User Researcher / Interaction Designer / Social Media
Megan Ketterman
Lead / Graphic Designer /Brand Designer
Sarah Beck
Web Designer / Copywriter
Ei Khin
Application Developer
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